In 2013 the European Consumer Day is coming back to Brussels. The 15th edition of the event will be held in the EESC premises on 14 March 2013 and will focus on issues related to product safety and market surveillance.
The expansion of trade both within the EU and with commercial partners located in other parts of the world has increased the variety products available to European citizens. Protecting health and safety of consumers, who buy and use products in all Member States, is a top priority for the EU.
All stakeholders agree that product safety is a must and even in these hard times of economic and financial crisis it is not something we can compromise on; on the contrary, we should look for ways to improve market surveillance to ensure that consumer products are really safe.
During this year's conference we will try to answer some fundamental questions about current problems as well as propose solutions and identify ways to improve product safety in the future. Participants will again have an opportunity to exchange their views at the highest level.
European Economic and Social Committee
Section for the Single Market, Production and Consumption (INT)
Meeting room JDE 62
Rue Belliard 99